Poetry Poetry

Kartik Sonnet #2

As the month of Kartik continues, here is another beautiful Kartik sonnet by Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi.----Of lamps and lights this month is all too goodIt helps an eager traveler on their wayLean in, it calls, to those who think they couldTake shelter with a song and verse to prayThe daring know to practice what we preachOur lives we need to make a better changeTo turn within all that we love to teachAnd gain a sense of Krishna within rangeThis kartik month opens the curtains wideUpon the scene in Vraja’s village trueIt shares a glimpse of what the Lord can’t hideThe power of love and what such love can do    Lean in to hold the chance to listen well    And hear the stories Vrindavan has to tell

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Poetry Poetry

Kartik Sonnet

As Kartika month begins today, October 9th. Here is a beuatiful Kartik sonnet by Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi.

As Kartik comes our hearts are drawn to YouThe autumn moon rises full and deepThis month alone can have us start anewThe lights and songs awaken our deep sleepIt is a month that comes but once a yearIt’s worth a thousand lives for what it givesA chance to banish all unwanted fearA chance to sing no matter where one livesIt is a time when bhakti rasa sweetComes to our hearts in many joyful waysNot least of all the charming butter thiefPulls our thoughts through all His Lila playsAnd so we must to Kartik give our timeLeast we miss this opportunity sublime

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Poetry Poetry

Happy Appearance Day of Lord Balaram

A very Happy Balaram Jayanti, or Appearance Day of Lord Balaram to you all!  Here is a beautiful poem celebrating the holy Appearance Day of Lord Balaram on the full moon day, just like His effulgent moonlike complexion, this year on August 11.All the best,Rukmini Walker   [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmQI-MQ_Yeg[/embed]

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Poetry Poetry

The Big Old Turtle

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi Dasi


He caught my eye

As I drove by then turned around

To stop and see him

Large and brown and moving slowly

He quickly drew in his elderly head

And eyed me for my next move

Which of course was nothing

But to marvel at his body

And to think some think

This is all a big bang outcome

That counts not the exquisite details

Of each and every life and body

How can we be so blind?

How can we think there is something

More important than stopping to

Stare and marvel at the sheer

Abundance around us

And within us


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Sit a Moment

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi dasi--------------------------------------

Come mind, let’s sit together

And chant the holy name

I know you’ll find more

Interesting things to do

You’ll wander here and there

But I’ll pull you back with affection

Don’t you know your dreaming

Is nothing compared to this moment

With this mantra?

Just once chanting is ten thousand times better

Than what you can imagine

Or where you think happiness lies

And the fears that you slip away to?

Turn your back on them and

Soak in this mantra of love

Things will soften, fears will lessen

But wait, where are you now?

And how did you get there?

Come mind, sit with me again

And chant the holy name

For this moment is always

The only moment we have

Let’s make it count,

And let's make it work, together

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Bittersweet Spring

We live each day in a world of duality. Here in the Washington DC area, the month of March, roars in like a lion with blustery cold winds, rain and hail. Yet, at the same time, the whole city is beautiful— blooming with yellow forsythia, the first pale pink cherry trees, and wild white flowering pear trees like towers of white lace filling every empty space.On the other side of the world, mothers and children have become refugees, or gone missing as they’ve hovered together, sheltering underground to somehow live despite the bombing of Ukraine. Will they ever see their conscripted fathers, husbands or sons again?Is there hope beyond this world? We are meant for a much higher life! Beyond this bittersweet world of new beginnings and excruciating untimely endings. Hear from the holy ones of the world beyond this world where “moth and dust corrupt”!


Ah, love, let us be true

To one another! for the world, which seems

To lie before us like a land of dreams,

So various, so beautiful, so new,

Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,

Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;

And we are here as on a darkling plain

Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,

Where ignorant armies clash by night.

                           (from Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold)

 All the best,Rukmini Walker 

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Poetry Poetry

Prayers by the Ocean

~by Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi----------------------------------------When I wander across the watersOf this material worldMay I always return to the shores Of Krishna consciousness When I marvel at the waves Crashing and moving With wild abandonMay I always remember The source of their powerThe supreme controller When I am saddened byThe troubles and pains of lifeMay I remember the teachingsThat I am spirit soulAnd can soar above it allLike the gulls that ride the wind When I am distracted by distractionsAnd the glitter and gold of othersMay I remember it’s all an illusionPerfectly set up to take me downAnd keep me locked in the dreamOf enjoying forever here When I finally get the point Of the futility of material existenceMay I enter the spiritual oceanAnd dive deep in the wavesTo stay there forever.  

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Poetry Poetry

Like Snow

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi dasi--------------------------------------Let our mantrasLand like light snowUpon the ground of our beingSo that all else is silent and coveredExcept the soft sound of the Krishna’s nameAnd our awakening sense of love and serviceLet our thoughtsAll fall in one directionLike the steady fall of snowThat touches the earth it seeksAnd so too let our inner self touchThe sound of life upon which we standAnd let our heartsBe warm and alive withThe fire of real spiritualityThe snow will come and goBut we turn to our journey homeAnd welcome the weather on the way

Ananda Vrindavan is the Temple President of ISKCON of DC
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Letting Go

by Rukmini Walker


Autumn leaves show how—

Be electrified by light! 

One glides down to earth

Or wind-spirited

Thousands rustling down the street

Lemmings to their glad demise

Whole city ablaze

Swan song of red, yellow and green

Give your best til death

Stark trees seek the sky 

Sentinels release the past

Leaf, moment— each gift!

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Poetry Poetry

Autumn Sounds

~by Ananada Vrindavan devi dasi


My favorite sounds of Autumn

As we move from cool to cold

Are the sounds of the geese against the sky

As they make their way south to home


They do not wait or think to stay

‘We’ll manage’ is not their mood

They are up and away on an urgent call

And a direction that does not sway


And so should we with knowledge clear

Be also heading home

Away from the cold of this shadow world

To the warmth of spiritual shores


Be like the geese and say it loud

To keep up with those who lead

To rise and fly away from here

Forever held and forever free

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Poetry Poetry

Lost in Material Energy

~by Ananda Vrindavan deviSometimes I get lost in material energyI find pockets to hide inWhen the intensity of life becomes too muchFacing my own shortcomingsMy lack of faith, honesty, and loveFacing uncertaintyFacing othersFacing the road aheadSometimes I get lost in the worldNeeding a quiet place to breathNeeding the sun on my sideThe wind at my backThe mind under my feetSometimes I get lost and ISit by the side of the bhakti roadWondering, questioning, restingAnd always,EverytimeA word comes throughA message I need to seeSomething I hear that fixes me upHelps me stand upWith affection for my small selfAnd my efforts to serveAnd more affection for othersAnd their efforts to serveAnd to make it to the endIn one piece.

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Poetry Poetry

As Long as I have Shade

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi dasi

As long as I have shade

With the sound of the holy name

I can bear the hot sun

Of my mind beating down on me

Of fears firing my imagination

Of my uncertain sense of self

As long as I have shade

Next to the rhythm of sacred sound

I can sit with the hot sun

Of misidentification

Denial, blame, justification

And not believe any of it

As long as I have shade

Beneath the clearing mantra

I can accept the hot sun

Of inevitability

Of death and dying

Of Illness and pain

The slow movements of time

And my insignificance

As long as I have shade

Deep within Krishna’s life

I can be happy with less

Cope with more

Welcome all heat

As a chance to grow

To my original true self

And my long lost love for Him

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Poetry Poetry

The Birdsong of the Holy Name

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi


Let me listen to my rounds

The quiet calling of Your name

As I listen to the birds

Called by the dawn

To sing their songs of life


Let me listen with stillness

To the birdsong of Your name

It too signals the presence of

The rising of the sun in my heart

It too calls me to sing and be awake


I pray to listen with quietness

To each and every mantra

A full hearing with body and mind

As I move each bead to let

The sound wrap around me

And leave the world outside


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Poetry Poetry

Banana Moon

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi

Banana moon, you are beautiful too

Though you don’t get much attention

A arc of gold in the black sky

Maybe it’s that all things look more beautiful

When we’re up early and thinking of Krishna

Sweet piece of moon, you keep hope alive

With the message that you’ll not be gone long

On your journey, our journey

That we sometimes can’t see each other

But we are always there

Banana moon, smiling down love

Encouraging us to be good and do good

As you nourish life for all.


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Poetry Poetry

Dear Supersoul

 ~by Ananda Vrindavan Devi
Dear Supersoul, I often forget
You are there in my heart
Part of the small local
Neighborhood of my body
And You will be with me
Until my last breath
How amazing is that
To have a friend extraordinaire
Walking with me in the world 
And helping me find my way
Bg 6.31

Each day, Ananda Vrindavan posts a daily poem that is linked to a Bhagavad-gita verse, as part of the 100Day Project on Instagram @anandavrindavaneswari
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Poetry Poetry

The Dark Light

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi


Can it be a good thing, this darkness?

A kind of light that shows me things

I like to hide from in broad daylight

A kind of cover that lets me bring

Such things up that otherwise

Might be all too much to see?

The night has it’s treasures, the dark pain

Cuts through the emptiness of pretence

There will always be dawn but don’t rush there

Deep spiritual knowing can be found in the

Dark, empty, cold and lonely nights of the soul.

Krishna can be found there, in the longing for truth

The need for shelter, the sweet surrender of no more

To give, to fight, to figure it all out alone.

Pain and suffering are good, the sages say

For they can bring us to places we need to go

Beyond the mind and ego

And into the company of those who know.

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Poetry Poetry

Digging Out

~by Ananda Vrindavan Devi


As we slowly dig ourselves out

of the gleaming deep casts of snow

I begin to think of what other parts of our lives

could be snowed under and need to be reclaimed


Perhaps it is an old forgotten hurt that should be

forgiven and let go, set to melt

Maybe it's a dream that's been frozen

in the face of so much struggle to survive

Perhaps it needs to see the sunshine


Or could it be the evenings we need to dig out

or even one evening, to sit with family and talk

Or the early morning hours that we need to reclaim

to begin our day with words of prayers, mantras of hope

auspicious things and moods of giving

before we are snowed under again

with life and phones and time and forgetfulness


Perhaps we need to reclaim a day

to spend at the temple with Krishna

to sit and serve and be with Him

Perhaps we need to take down the walls of snow

we tend to hide behind

and bring our humbler self out under the blue sky

and ready to say - I need help to dig myself out of

this bodily concept of life, this temporary world of names

and be conscious of the urgent need to keep digging and digging

to reclaim our true and pure spirit selves, surely snowed in for many a lifetime.

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Poetry Poetry


by Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi-------------------------------------- I don’t know about you But I get messages all the time Like from these two Tulips in a vaseleaning down Searching for krishna On the altarEagerStretching Longing Ignoring the crowd Going the other wayAfter something better 

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Poetry Poetry

Winter Rain

by Ananda Vrindavan devi------------------------------------

It’s a cold rain on this cold morning

Raining cats and dogs they say 

Why not raining birds and bees

Or better yet let it rain love and kindness

Drops of sweet water to change our thinking

To wash away fear and loneliness

Let it rain invitations to reach out

And share our lives with others

Let it pour down buckets of insights

That we can find meaning and shelter in our pain

Let the raindrops wash away our tears

And let the same raindrops cause us to cry

With honest reflection and emotional freedom

Honor the rain on this cold winter day

A gift of water from above

Freely given, with love. 

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Poetry Poetry

A New Year Is Here - Are We Here?

~by Chaitanya Charan

Happy new year to you all!  I'd like to share with you a beautiful poem by Chaitanya Charan called A New Year is Here - Are We Here?  May it be an inspiration for you all in this new year.All the best,Rukmini Walkerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HusJ6MZEnr8&feature=emb_title 

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