As Long as I have Shade

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi dasi

As long as I have shade

With the sound of the holy name

I can bear the hot sun

Of my mind beating down on me

Of fears firing my imagination

Of my uncertain sense of self

As long as I have shade

Next to the rhythm of sacred sound

I can sit with the hot sun

Of misidentification

Denial, blame, justification

And not believe any of it

As long as I have shade

Beneath the clearing mantra

I can accept the hot sun

Of inevitability

Of death and dying

Of Illness and pain

The slow movements of time

And my insignificance

As long as I have shade

Deep within Krishna’s life

I can be happy with less

Cope with more

Welcome all heat

As a chance to grow

To my original true self

And my long lost love for Him


Kitchen Religion ~ Lessons from cooking for Srila Prabhupada


Be in Love