an extraordinary force of change

Rukmini Walker inspires and ignites souls across the globe.

Rukmini Walker is a unique force of change, a catalyst for women's spiritual empowerment, and an ambassador of interfaith dialogue. With unwavering dedication, she has carved a path that inspires and ignites souls across the globe.

As the visionary founder of the Urban Devi collective, Rukmini has established a vibrant platform that resonates with seekers from all walks of life. Based out of the renowned Bhakti Center in the heart of New York City, Rukmini serves as a member of the Board of Directors and helps breathe life into the center's mission of spiritual awakening.

Beyond the boundaries of the US, Rukmini is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bhaktivedanta College in Belgium, where she helps to shape the future of spiritual education and cultivate the minds of aspiring devotees.

Rukmini serves on the esteemed Sabha, an international committee advising the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Her expertise and wisdom are sought after, making her a trusted advisor, guiding the Bhakti movement forward.

Rukmini is a member of the Faiths for Biodiversity coalition. An international network of religious and spiritual groups working to advocate for the Global Biodiversity Framework, which was adopted by the UN in December 2023. The coalition works closely with various UN agencies, including UN Environmental Programme and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.

Rukmini's spiritual journey, which spans continents and cultures, is awe-inspiring. As one of the first disciples of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who introduced the path of Bhakti to the Western world in 1965, she has walked in the footsteps of a true spiritual pioneer. Her experiences living in India, Canada, and the United States have enriched her understanding and granted her a unique perspective on the transformative power of Bhakti.

Rukmini's remarkable presence graces the documentary film “Women of Bhakti.” Her insights and experiences shed light on the profound role of women in spiritual traditions and serve as an inspiration to many on the path of Bhakti.

Rukmini's creative spirit shines through her writing, teaching, and leadership. She takes her knowledge and wisdom across borders, leading workshops and retreats that touch hearts and stirs souls worldwide.

Rukmini collaborates each year with her son, the gifted kirtan artist Gaura Vani. Together they lead transformative retreats to India and other places around the globe that immerse participants into the heart of Bhakti, igniting a divine flame that reverberates within each traveler.

Rukmini perceives the world as an animated tapestry of spirit, where every aspect of nature and existence intertwines in a divine symphony. Practicing an Eco-Bhakti, finding truth and beauty in the interconnectedness of all living beings as sacred, as well as inspiring others to cherish and protect our precious planet.

Rukmini's life is an offering of devotion, compassion and a testament to the boundless potential of the human spirit. With every endeavor she undertakes, she leaves an indelible mark on the world, awakening hearts and transforming lives.

“Rukmini is a gifted teacher who weaves together mysticism, poetry, eco-consciousness, and her love of God into everything she does. I am eternally grateful to Rukmini for providing me with a safe harbor to explore my relationship with God, nature, and the Divine Feminine.”

— Ashley Elenbaas

Founder, Sky House Herb School & Apothecary

yoga of devotion

What is Bhakti?

Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion, the yoga of love in action, and, I would say, the yoga of gratitude. Bhakti is an opening of the heart, an offering of the heart to the divine, who has many names, but who, on the path of Bhakti, we call Krsna or Govinda.