Digging Out
~by Ananda Vrindavan Devi
As we slowly dig ourselves out
of the gleaming deep casts of snow
I begin to think of what other parts of our lives
could be snowed under and need to be reclaimed
Perhaps it is an old forgotten hurt that should be
forgiven and let go, set to melt
Maybe it's a dream that's been frozen
in the face of so much struggle to survive
Perhaps it needs to see the sunshine
Or could it be the evenings we need to dig out
or even one evening, to sit with family and talk
Or the early morning hours that we need to reclaim
to begin our day with words of prayers, mantras of hope
auspicious things and moods of giving
before we are snowed under again
with life and phones and time and forgetfulness
Perhaps we need to reclaim a day
to spend at the temple with Krishna
to sit and serve and be with Him
Perhaps we need to take down the walls of snow
we tend to hide behind
and bring our humbler self out under the blue sky
and ready to say - I need help to dig myself out of
this bodily concept of life, this temporary world of names
and be conscious of the urgent need to keep digging and digging
to reclaim our true and pure spirit selves, surely snowed in for many a lifetime.