Lecture Lecture

Urban Devi- Devotional Literature: Practical Strategies

This month's Urban Devi session was with Guru Carana Padma Dasi. She joined the bhakti movement in 1976 in Chicago where she was engaged in full-time outreach programs. She came to the UK in 1979 and was at the full-time ladies’ book distribution party in London and around the UK. After marrying Kripamoya Dasa in 1982 they developed a community through the Nama Hatta outreach and FOLK (Friends of Lord Krishna) programs as well as supervising, educating, and nurturing new students who joined the ashram. After having her 3 children, she became involved in children’s education at Bhaktivedanta manor and eventually became the head of the Primary elementary school where she served for over 20 years. At this time, she gained her degrees in Educational Management and Early years education. She is currently serving on the temple council at Bhaktivedanta Manor UK and is on the Ladies' board at Bhaktivedanta Manor helping to support the ladies’ programs there. She is also an Ombudsman/Mediator through ISKCON Resolve.

With Gratitude,

Rukmini Walker  

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Article Article

Deepavali - The Festival of Lights

~ by Sadhana

Deepavali signifies the victory of good over evil and is the most celebrated festival in India and in countries with an Indian populous. The name may be spelled in various ways such as Diwali or Deepavali. In all these spelling variations, the key translation is “the festival of lights”. Light is understood to be the shining lamp of knowledge that illuminates our beings with higher knowledge of the self. Sometimes the term used is “from darkness unto light” —the light empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds and brings us closer to divinity. So, during Deepavali, lights illuminate every corner of India, rangolis are laid in front of doors and the spirit of joy and friendship to all is the mood of the heart.The most epic and all-time immortal tale of good overcoming evil is told in the Vedic text- The Ramayana, written originally by the ancient sage Valmiki. The event marks the glorious victory of Lord Ram over the demon Ravana. It’s a story of love, separation, greed, lust, heroes, and more, but most of all the righteous actions that help navigate through life’s turmoil.Who has not weathered the storms of life and wondered what was the right thing to do? The epic story is inspiring in this regard and has been retold in dance, song, and various languages including Balinese and Thai. It has been told for centuries and is an everlasting tale.The story begins with a beloved King Dasarath who rules the prosperous city of Ayodhya. He has three wives of which Kaikayi was his favorite. She was granted two favors by the King after she saved his life during a war.He also had four sons, the eldest, and everyone’s favorite was Rama. Rama was married to Sita, a beautiful and very devoted wife. Soon the time came for the King to pass on the throne to his heir Rama. Just before the coronation. Kaikayi reminds King Dasarath of her two favors and demands that her son Bharat be crowned as King, and Ram be banished to the jungle for fourteen years. The King agrees due to righteousness and becomes very weak and heartbroken. Ram is agreeable as he wants to maintain the honor, and he sets forth with Sita and his younger brother Laksman who wished to accompany him. Thus, the story of Ram with his wife Sita and Laksman takes place as they traverse the challenges through the fourteen years.  The main plot is the abduction of Sita by Ravana who was filled with greed, envy, and lust. The Bhagavad Gita says that these three vices are often the cause of much suffering. Also, that we, as conditioned beings in this world, have these propensities and must guard against them to be “righteous” in our actions so that we may be liberated from its clutches.The story highlights the roles of some heroic figures such as Hanuman, who show how these righteous behaviors and devotion to a higher Divine source will empower us to always win over evil within us.The story ends with the destruction of Ravana during a very epic battle filled with courage and grace. Eventually, after fourteen years, Sita, Ram, and Lakshman return to the city of Ayodhya, and this marks the day on which Deepavali is celebrated. The context of Deepavali is a powerful story and the underlying message for embodied souls who must guard against greed, lust, and envy.Rama is Lord Ramacandra is an incarnation of Lord Sri Krsna, who is considered to be the “avatari”, or the source of all incarnations, according to Srimad Bhagavatam, or the Bhagavat Purana.A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami has given us very insightful understanding through a verse found in the Srimad Bhagavatam:

ŚB 9.10.50

अग्रहीदासनं भ्रात्रा प्रणिपत्य प्रसादित: प्रजा: स्वधर्मनिरता वर्णाश्रमगुणान्विता: जुगोप पितृवद् रामो मेनिरे पितरं तम् ५०

agrahīd āsanaṁ bhrātrāpraṇipatya prasāditaḥprajāḥ sva-dharma-niratāvarṇāśrama-guṇānvitāḥjugopa pitṛvad rāmomenire pitaraṁ ca tam

Translation: Being pleased by the full surrender and submission of Lord Bharata, Lord Rāmacandra then accepted the throne of the state. He cared for the citizens exactly like a father, and the citizens, being fully engaged in their occupational duties of varṇa and āśrama, accepted Him as their father.A summary from A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s purport of this verse reads ‘It is sometimes said that people want the kingdom of God without God. Such an aspiration, however, is never to be fulfilled. Good government can exist when the relationship between the citizens and the government is like that exemplified by Lord Rāmacandra and His citizens. Lord Rāmacandra ruled His kingdom exactly as a father takes care of his children, and the citizens, being obliged to the good government of Lord Rāmacandra, accepted the Lord as their father. Thus, the relationship between the citizens and the government should be exactly like that between father and son.’To inspire the devotional mood, here are my favorite recordings of an old bhajan, Kirtan, worshiping Lord Ram and Srimati Sita Devi by Gaura Vani. It can be found at AyodhyaVasiRam or AtHomeVersionThe lyrics are as follows and are the different names of Lord Name, Srimati Sita Devi which are simply worshiped with love and devotion in this song.  It is in a call-and-response, so sing along!

Ayodhya Vasi Ram, Ram Ram Dasharatha Nandana RamPateetha Pavana Janaki Jeevana Seeta Mohana RamAyodhya Vasi Ram, Ram Ram Dasharatha Nandana RamPateetha Pavana Janaki Jeevana Seeta Mohana Ram

--------------By Sadhana

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Poetry Poetry

Kartik Sonnet

As Kartika month begins today, October 9th. Here is a beuatiful Kartik sonnet by Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi.

As Kartik comes our hearts are drawn to YouThe autumn moon rises full and deepThis month alone can have us start anewThe lights and songs awaken our deep sleepIt is a month that comes but once a yearIt’s worth a thousand lives for what it givesA chance to banish all unwanted fearA chance to sing no matter where one livesIt is a time when bhakti rasa sweetComes to our hearts in many joyful waysNot least of all the charming butter thiefPulls our thoughts through all His Lila playsAnd so we must to Kartik give our timeLeast we miss this opportunity sublime

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Entering into Kartik

Kartik, also known as the month of Damodara, is a month for deepening one's love for Krishna. This year Kartik begins on October 9, 2022.  It is considered by devotees of Krishna to be the holiest month of the year. During this month, devotees make extra vows, perform extra spiritual activities, and generally worship Krishna in His form as a young boy,Here is a beautiful recording of Gaura Vani and Sri Vani Devi Dasi together singing the Damodarastakam prayers. Every year during the month of Kartik we offer this special 8 verse prayer to Krishna called Damodarastakam. It is sung either in the morning or the evening along with the offering of a ghee lamp.Happy Kartik!All the best,Rukmini   [embed]https://soundcloud.com/iskconofdc/sri-damodarastakam-gaura-vani-and-srivani-devi-dasi[/embed]

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Lecture Lecture

The Poetry of Living Life

This September Urban Devi Class featured Ananda Vrindavan speaking on the topic "The Poetry of Living Life".'Poetic' is one of the qualities attributed to a devotee of Krishna, one that should come naturally as we practice Krishna Bhakti. Explore what does 'poetic' mean and what does a more poetic life look like? Please click here or on the video image below to explore this topic and learn from each other.Ananda Vrindavaneswari Devi is the President of ISKCON of Washington D.C. She is an educator and a writer and loves the early morning hours the best.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ufYjlz5IH4[/embed]  

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Lecture Lecture

Urban Devi Class: Listening to Learn

~presented by Vrindavan Vinodini Devi Dasi

This August's Urban Devi Class featured Vrindavan Vinodini Devi Dasi speaking on the topic "Listening to Learn". Drawing from bhakti wisdom and secular knowledge and research, you will learn the simple and practical application of seven key principles to help you grow, improve and establish healthy loving relationships. Please click here or on the video image below to listen to the talk.Vrndavana Vinodini grew up in both the Montreal and Ottawa ISKCON Communities. At 23, after finishing her Bachelors in Biochemistry, she travelled to Belgium to complete Bhakti sastri in Radhadesh. Although having grown up in the tradition of Bhakti, the trip was life-transforming as it was here she chose the Bhakti path for herself. Coming back to Canada, she completed her Masters in Biochemistry, after which she went to Mayapur to study deity worship. Upon returning, she served for several years as a scientific regulator and advocate for natural health products. In 2016, she received her coaching certification and started learning about a powerful personality framework known as the Enneagram. Today, she works as a coach who helps others develop a better relationship with themselves and build a rich inner life by becoming aware of the patterns of the ego. Alongside coaching, she teaches the Gita in yoga studios, small groups, as well as meditation classes[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FettkzwXgc[/embed]

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Interview Interview

Devotional Mysticism and Plants - Part 2 - The Rose

This week we have the second episode of Devotional Mysticism and Plant Teachers. In this series, Rukmini Walker, and Ashley Elenbaas explore plants' rich history, their connection to ancient and modern mystic traditions, their inclusion in myths, sacred texts, and their use as spiritual aides in ceremony and in healing. They hope to inspire their listeners to see the plant world with a greater sense of wonder and reverence and inspire greater love, gratitude, care, and compassion for these plants and our own spiritual journeys. Please click here to enjoy these talks and we welcome your questions, comments, and insights!    

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Uncategorized Uncategorized

Devotional Mysticism and Plant

This episode is the beginning of a new series called Devotional Mysticism and Plant Teachers. In this space, we'll be exploring the rich history of plants, their connection to ancient and modern mystic traditions, their inclusion in myths, sacred texts, and their use as spiritual aides in ceremony and in healing. Our hope is to inspire our listeners to see the plant world with a greater sense of wonder and reverence and inspire a greater love, gratitude, care, and compassion for these plants and also for our own spiritual journeys. We hope you enjoy these talks and we welcome your questions, comments, and insights![embed]https://youtu.be/BJMTlSt-aY0[/embed]   

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Ofrenda de Vyasa Puja - Una carta a Srila Prabhupada

~por Rukmini WalkerEsta es mi ofrenda de vyasa puja a Srila Prabhupada para este año 2022. Mi Padre y Maestro Eterno, Srila Prabhupada,

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine


Este año 2022 es la celebración del aniversario de la llegada e instalación de Sri Sri Radha Govinda-ji en el templo de Brooklyn en Nueva York en Henry Street, donde yo estaba sirviendo como pujari. Ofendí gravemente a su Señoría en ese momento, y nos enteramos de que estaba furioso por todo lo que habíamos hecho por instigación mía. Yo era una ignorante, pero como te he oído decir muchas veces, la ignorancia no es excusa; el fuego quemará incluso a un niño inocente si se acerca demasiado. Yo era esa niña ignorante, y estaba tan arrepentida después de escuchar sobre tu enojo. Sentí que mi vida espiritual había terminado y que seguramente moriría. Te escribí una carta expresándote mi pena y vergüenza, pero tu compasión y perdón sobrepasaron mi comprensión e imaginación. Tu carta de respuesta nunca mencionó mis ofensas, sino que más bien me sorprendió con elogios inmerecidos.He aquí una cita del verso 4.47 de Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta Antya-līlā:«Si sucede que un sirviente cae y se va, glorioso es el amo que va a buscarle y, tomándole por el cabello, le trae de vuelta.Más tarde ese año, usted vino personalmente a nuestro templo de Brooklyn. Sri Sri Radha Govinda-ji estaban vestidos con un atuendo sencillo. Govinda-ji en Su clásico dhoti amarillo y Srimati Radharani en una falda estilo Vrindavan y chuni. La sala del templo estaba repleta de invitados deseosos de escuchar su clase del domingo. Entraste en la larga y estrecha sala del templo y caminaste hacia el frente, donde te paraste con las manos cruzadas, mirando a tus adorados Señores durante mucho tiempo. Acababa de terminar de realizar la ceremonia aarti, y me escondí detrás de la cortina izquierda tratando de ser invisible. Cuando comenzaste a inclinarte para ofrecer tus reverencias, vi lágrimas brotar de tus ojos como una jeringa, tal como lo habíamos visto en las imágenes del Señor Caitanya en Ratha Yatra. Los devotos del lado derecho de la sala del templo se salpicaron de lágrimas. Los vi mirar alrededor para ver de dónde había venido el agua. ¿Habían arrojado los pujari agua de la ceremonia aarti sobre sus cabezas? Mientras te inclinabas tan humildemente, salté del costado del altar y le dije a mi amiga Palika, esas son las lágrimas de Srila Prabhupada. Ambas recogimos tus preciosas lágrimas sagradas del suelo y las untamos en nuestras cabezas una y otra vez.¿Cuándo estarán mis ojos adornados con lágrimas de amor como las tuyas? ¿Cuándo mi corazón estará decorado con compasión y perdón como el tuyo? ¿Cuándo será ese día mío?Gracias por tu gloriosa, divina, asombrosa gracia y perdón, que es insondable y está más allá de mi comprensión, sin el cual mi vida no tendría sentido.Te ruego que yo siga siendo tu servidora eternamente.Rukmini devi dasi

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Vyasa Puja Offering ~ A letter to Srila Prabhupada

~by Rukmini Walker

This is my vyasa puja offering to Srila Prabhupada for this year 2022.

**To listen to Rukmini's audio recitation of this letter, please click here  or on the video image below***

 My Eternal Father and Master, Srila Prabhupada,

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine


This year 2022, is the celebration of the anniversary of Sri Sri Radha Govinda-ji's arrival and installation in New York's Brooklyn temple on Henry Street, where I was serving as pujari. I made grieves offenses to your Lordship at that time, and we heard that you were furious about all that we'd done at my instigation. I was ignorant, but as I have heard you say many times, ignorance is no excuse; fire will burn even an innocent child if she comes too close. I was that ignorant child, and I was so remorseful after hearing about your anger. I felt that my spiritual life was over and that I would surely die. I wrote you a letter expressing my grief and shame, but your compassion and forgiveness surpassed my comprehension and imagination. Your return letter never mentioned my offenses but rather stunned me with undeserved praise.

Here is a quote from Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta  Antya-līlā verse 4.47 --

“If by chance a servant falls down and goes somewhere else, glorious is that master who captures him and brings him back by the hair.

Later that year, you personally came to our Brooklyn temple. Sri Sri Radha Govinda-ji were dressed in a simple outfit. Govinda-ji in His classic yellow dhoti and Srimati Radharani in a Vrindavan style skirt and chuni. The temple room was crammed with guests eager to hear your Sunday lecture. You entered the long narrow temple room and walked to the front, where you stood with folded hands, gazing at your worshipful Lords for a very long time. I had just finished performing the aarti ceremony, and I hid behind the left had curtain trying to be invisible. As you started to bow down to offer your obeisances, I saw tears shoot out of your eyes like a syringe, just as we'd seen in pictures of Lord Caitanya at Ratha Yatra. The devotees on the right side of the temple room were splashed with tears. I saw them looking around to see where the water had come from. Had the pujari thrown water from the aarti ceremony over their heads? As you so humbly bowed down, I jumped off the side of the altar, telling my friend Palika, those are Srila Prabhupada's tears. We both gathered your precious sacred teardrops up from the floor and smeared them on our heads again and again.When shall my eyes be decorated with tears of love such as yours? When shall my heart be decorated with compassion and forgiveness such as yours? When will that day be mine?Thank you for your glorious, divine, amazing grace and forgiveness, which is fathomless and beyond my comprehension, without which my life would be meaningless.I beg to remain your servant eternally.Rukmini devi dasi[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD8bHMm_RZI[/embed]

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Poetry Poetry

Happy Appearance Day of Lord Balaram

A very Happy Balaram Jayanti, or Appearance Day of Lord Balaram to you all!  Here is a beautiful poem celebrating the holy Appearance Day of Lord Balaram on the full moon day, just like His effulgent moonlike complexion, this year on August 11.All the best,Rukmini Walker   [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmQI-MQ_Yeg[/embed]

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Conversation Conversation

"Seven Principles of Making Relationships Thrive"

In our July Urban Devi Sanga, Jahnava devi dasi presented on the "Seven Principles of Making Relationships Thrive".Drawing from bhakti wisdom and secular knowledge and research, you will learn the simple and practical application of seven key principles to help you grow, improve and establish healthy loving relationships. Please click here or on the video image below to listen to this special discussion.All the best,Rukmini Walker   [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hyFwfOkMhQ[/embed]

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blog blog

"This nothing is very much something”

~by Denise Mihalik


Namaste Sound Friends!

I’m excited to be finishing my first book­—and about learning to be a writer. It’s a completely different experience from all that I’ve already done. It’s immersive, vulnerable, fun and maddening. When my eyes, body and brain can take no more, I journey to the pond a few blocks away and immediately become mesmerized by the simple and profound ecosystem, both seen and unseen, beautiful and unsightly.

The tadpoles flutter to the surface for a quick nibble before returning to the shallow leafy murk, while the frogs’ wide eyes peek at the sun. The turtles float like a shadow, and the green backed heron, with its three young ones, learn how to fish.

Along the banks, two baby raccoons rustle the leaves while four ducklings hustle into the water, following their mother’s cue.

Located at an active intersection, I stand peering over the bridge, honoring the contrast of concrete and mud. For a few moments, I’m sucked into mother nature’s resilience, and the traffic disappears into the background.

It’s a very special pause and one that fills me with freshness.

The mind, however, is a funny thing. Often, one of my mental characters awakens and scoffs, “Enough, you’re wasting precious time just standing here doing nothing. Go do something productive.”

I almost succumb to the pressure until something deep within responds, “This nothing is very much something.”

Now, more than ever, with continued mounting world stress, taking pause is needed.

In this pause, we can catch our breath.We can notice, see and appreciate the precious gift of living that for some is over way too soon.  We can find the clarity to move forward in an inspired and informed presence.In this nourished pause, we can discover how to truly help others.

“This nothing is very much something.”

Please let me know how you like to take pause, and have a nourished weekend

With gratitude, love and Light,Denise

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Personal Personal

July Feelings

Rukmini Poddar continues to share with us her series of inspirational monthly pieces, this time with  “July Feelings“. May it be and inspiration for your own reflections this month. 
All the best
Rukmini Walker

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Lecture Lecture

Transcendental Transformation with Citi Sakti Devi Dasi

In our June Urban Devi Sanga, Citi Sakti Devi Dasi presented  on the topic: Transcendental Transformation. Spirituality offers an attractive solution to life’s problems. However, the very same problems that lead us to divinity, are often where our ability to connect more deeply can be discovered. Unfortunately, many of us may try to bypass our humanity, rather than transform and transcend it, which means we may then lose out on the opportunity to go deeper through our challenges.Please click here or on the video image below to listen to this special discussion, and find out more about how being human and experiencing psychological distress can be a catalyst for spiritual growth.Citi-Śakti Devi Dasi has been practicing Krishna consciousness for over 25 years and is a disciple of H.H Bhakti Tirtha Swami, serving as one of his caregivers in the last 6 months of his life. She lives with her daughter in London, UK and primarily serves as a preacher and mentor. For many years she has led a number of projects including the UK Youth Group Pandava Sena, mentorship, university preaching programs and a weekly sangha which she has run for the past 21 years.Graduating from Imperial College as a Medical Doctor & specializing as a Consultant Psychiatrist, she brings together over two decades of experience in scientific advances in mental health with Krishna consciousness & connects with a diverse audience of celebrities, politicians, healthcare professionals, students & corporate leaders. All the best,Rukmini Walker[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz6wgs0TFT8&t=1s[/embed]  

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Poetry Poetry

The Big Old Turtle

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi Dasi


He caught my eye

As I drove by then turned around

To stop and see him

Large and brown and moving slowly

He quickly drew in his elderly head

And eyed me for my next move

Which of course was nothing

But to marvel at his body

And to think some think

This is all a big bang outcome

That counts not the exquisite details

Of each and every life and body

How can we be so blind?

How can we think there is something

More important than stopping to

Stare and marvel at the sheer

Abundance around us

And within us


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