Conversation Conversation

The Heart of the Sacred Feminine: Beauty and Truth in Bhakti

Once again, Ashley Liteckly Elenbaas of Sky House Herbs invited me to share in a talk exploring the The Heart of the Sacred Feminine: Beauty and Truth in Bhakti.  I hope you find our conversation as engaging as I do!  To listen in, please click on this link or on the video image below.
All the best,
Rukmini Walker

*Connect with Rukmini through her Patreon Community: Facebook: Urban Devi: Bhakti Center:
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¡Día de la aparición del Señor Nityananda!

Aquellos que son seguidores de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu honrarán el sagrado Día de la Aparición de Su más querido asociado, el Señor Nityananda, el lunes 14 de febrero.A cualquiera que busque el refugio del Señor Caitanya se le aconseja orar por la misericordia del Señor Nityananda. Cuando el Señor Krsna aparece, el Señor Nityananda aparece como Su hermano, el Señor Balaram; cuando el Señor Rama aparece, el Señor Nityananda aparece como Su hermano Laksman.El Señor Nityananda es considerado el gurú original, ya que todos los gurús se expanden a partir de él.Aquí, Andrea Suárez ha contado una versión encantadora de la historia de la liberación de los hermanos caídos, Jagai y Madhai, por parte del Señor Nityananda, para niños, tanto en inglés como en español. Para verlo, haga clic aquí:; para ver en español, haga clic aquí¡Rezo para que usted y sus hijos puedan recibir las bendiciones ilimitadas del Señor Nityananda y el Señor Caitanya!Todo lo mejor,,Rukmini Walker

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Lord Nityananda Appearance Day!

Those who are followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be honoring the holy Appearance Day of His dear most associate, Lord Nityananda on Monday, February 14th.Anyone who seeks the shelter of Lord Caitanya is advised to pray for the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When Lord Krsna appears, Lord Nityananda appears as His brother, Lord Balaram; when Lord Rama appears, Lord Nityananda appears as His brother Laksman.Lord Nityananda is considered the original guru, in that all gurus are expanded from him.Here, Andrea Suarez has told an enchanting version of the story of Lord Nityananda's deliverance of the fallen brothers, Jagai and Madhai for children both in English and then in Spanish.  To watch, please click here:; to watch in Spanish, please click here pray that you and your children may all receive the unlimited blessings of Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya!All the best,Rukmini Walker     

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The Heart of the Sacred Feminine - The Dance of Intimacy (Session 3)

Ashley Liteckly Elenbaas of Sky House Herbs has invited me to share a series of talks with her exploring the Divine Feminine, Srimati Radharani. So far, we've had three discussions, and we're planning to continue them every couple of weeks.
I hope you find these conversations as engaging as I do!  To listen in, please click on this link or on the video image below.
All the best,
Rukmini Walker

*Connect with Rukmini through her Patreon Community: Facebook: Urban Devi: Bhakti Center:
**Maha Mantra to recite on Tulsi Japa Beads: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hara Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

[embed][/embed]About Ashley ElenbaasAshley is the proprietor of sky house herb school and apothecary. She  teaches people about plants, lead wellness workshops and retreats, and spend copious amounts of time in the garden.To join Ashley you can find her on the following media platforms.Subscribe to this channel to stay up to date with new videos:…Sign up to my mailing list to stay updated on free webinars, virtual garden and herb walks, and other free content: Facebook: Instagram:  #SkyHouseHerbs #AshleyElenbaas

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Conversation Conversation

Adventures in Russia w/Mondakini Devi Dasi

In our January Urban Devi* Ladies Sanga, Mondakini Devi Dasi talks about her amazing experiences as well as the experiences of heroic devotees who laid the foundation of the explosive growth of Krishna Consciousness in Russia.  Mondakini regularly travels to Russia, providing venues for devotees who suffered in Soviet prisons to share their profound stories with others. To listen to these incredible and inspiring stories, please click on this link or on the video image at the bottom of this post.
All the best,
Rukmini Walker
*Urban Devi is a monthly interactive women’s discussion circle that seeks to make spirituality accessible to women in the 21st century. For more information, please follow Rukmini on Facebook, or go to the Bhakti Center NYC online programs.
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Lecture Lecture

"Stealing Gratitude"

Presented by Sarah Kuretzy
My dear friend and sister Sarah Kuretzy teaches high school and she teaches this very creative course that she calls stealing gratitude. Please click on this link or on the video image below to watch, and be illumined in gratitude! ~ All the best, Rukmini Walker


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blog blog

Beyond Duality

by Sudharma Devi Dasi
My dear godsister, Sudharma Devi Dasi travelled for many years and shared Krsna consciousness through the Pacific Northwest, the Phillipines, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore helping to establish temples cultivating many in Krishna consciousness, holding home programs and sharing the books and teachings of Srila Prabhupada.She now lives in Alachua, Florida where she's started the 24/7 Alachua Community Radio show. Here is the link to it.  https://krishna108.airtime.proShe wrote this thoughtful piece (below) about living Beyond Duality in this world with kindness, while honoring our own and others' imperfections.Read her words and be inspired!All the best,Rukmini Walker


To listen to an audio recording of Sudharma devi dasi's piece, Beyond Duality,

please click on the play button below:

[audio mp3=""][/audio]

For every sun beam, there is a shadowBut not every shadow is simply a darkness, it can also be a cooling respite from the sun.For everything good, an underside to the bellyFor every warmth, there is a tearFor every cruelty, a kindnessBut every tear is not of cruelty, some are born of kindness….and similarly, not every warmth is a kindness, but can be a crueltyFor every right there is a leftTo north, there is a southBut if you travel far enough north, you will eventually find you are heading south.For every gift, a price has been paidFor every song, an ear that could not hearFor every beauty an eye that could not seeIn every heart an imperfection, a love to give and a heart that hurtsYou want to be near enough to the fire to warm your hands and feet, but not too close, or you may burn.The world is wrapped in duality.So, how do we see God?By rising beyond the duality.We can love the sun for its warmth and find the shade in the shadow.Sudharma Devi Dasi

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Interview Interview

The Role of the Feminine in Bhakti Yoga (Session 2)

In this interview, Rukmini Walker & Ashley Litecky Elenbaas explore the role of the feminine in Bhakti Yoga. 
To watch, please click on the video image below.

About Ashley ElenbaasAshley is the proprietor of sky house herb school and apothecary. She  teaches people about plants, lead wellness workshops and retreats, and spend copious amounts of time in the garden.

To join Ashley you can find her on the following media platforms.

Subscribe to this channel to stay up to date with new videos: up to my mailing list to stay updated on free webinars, virtual garden and herb walks, and other free content: Say hi on social:Facebook:  #SkyHouseHerbs #AshleyElenbaas

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Sobre hielo

~Una reflexión de Rukmini Walker~-------------------------------------------------------

Bajo el cambiante cielo invernal, el hielo y la nieve cubren hoy el suelo. Más frío por la noche, todas las cosas contrayéndose en la oscuridad.Luego, durante el día, el sol brilla para expandir, romper y derretir el hielo.¿No es así como funciona la naturaleza? Una pequeña apertura, y luego una contracción yendo hacia adentro para ganar fuerza. Y luego otra vez, una pequeña apertura para probar, para confiar una vez más.Siempre, pero especialmente en invierno. Intenciones como semillas, enraizadas más profundamente, penetrando invisibles bajo la superficie. Mi soledad, yendo hacia adentro, luego alimenta mis conexiones con los demás. Como dar a luz una contracción, profundizar y luego una expansión para manifestar algo nuevo, algo nunca antes visto.“Al practicar la autoconciencia atenta, podemos comenzar a ver que hay vida en una semilla plantada que trabaja duro bajo la tierra. Y podemos notar que los árboles con menos probabilidades de romperse son aquellos que pueden balancearse con el viento. Podemos discernir que el camino fácil no siempre es el camino correcto. Y todos y todo puede convertirse en nuestro maestro. Los niños y los extraños nos enseñan. Los animales nos enseñan. Cuando estamos verdaderamente despiertos, incluso un momento ordinario nos enseña algo”. Joanne CacciatoreTodo lo mejor,Rukmini Walker

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On Ice

~A Musing by Rukmini Walker~


Click below to hear the audio version of this musing.

**To view a special video compilation of the musing, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the video image to watch!


Under the changing winter sky, ice and snow cover the ground today. Colder at night, all things contracting in the darkness.

Then, during the daytime, the sun shines to expand to crack and melt the ice.

Isn’t this the way nature works? A little opening, and then contraction going inside to gain strength. And then again, a little opening to try, to trust once again.

Always, but especially in winter. Intentions like seeds, rooting deeper, penetrating unseen under the surface. My aloneness, going within, then later feeds my connections with others. Like giving birth a contraction, going deeper, and then- an expansion to manifest something new, something never seen before.

Practicing attentive self-awareness, we may start to see that there is life in a planted seed working hard under the soil. And we may notice that the trees less likely to break are those that are able to sway with the wind. We may discern that the easy path isn’t always the right path. And everyone and everything can become our teacher. Children and strangers teach us. Animals teach us. When we are truly awake, even an ordinary moment teaches us something.” Joanne Cacciatore

All the best,

Rukmini Walker


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Dando la Bienvenida a los Ciclos de la Vida

A continuación se muestra una hermosa e inspiradora reflexión de Dhayana Masala para celebrar el nuevo año. Que también sea una inspiración para establecer tus propias intenciones.Todo lo mejor, Rukmini Walker

Realmente creo que lo que finalmente nos satisfará es una conexión más profunda con nuestro Ser (+ nuestra Fuente). Puedo pasar tanto tiempo y tanta energía tratando de llenar un vacío o "convertirme" en alguien. Puedo cultivar tantas cosas y ganar tanto dinero, dedicando tanto tiempo a concentrar mi atención ahí afuera, pensando que una vez que todo sea de cierta manera, entonces podré relajarme; entonces tendré éxito; entonces seré hermosa, digna, estaré bien.Paso tanto tiempo tratando de arreglar, cambiar y alterar el mundo fuera de mí que olvido que si no me siento digna, nada fuera de mí me hará sentir digna. Si no me siento bella, conectada, querida... nada fuera de mí afirmará estas cosas. Si no me siento anclada en una parte de mí que sabe cómo confiar, sentir, amar y creer, entonces apenas estoy viviendo.Si me quedo atascada en la idea de que si no lo hago, no pasará nada... He olvidado que hay una Fuente mucho más grande que yo que me puede sostener total y completamente, que está orquestando una vida para mí más allá de mis sueños más salvajes. Si puedo dejar de lado mi necesidad de controlar y microgestionar mi vida, puedo rendirme a una fuerza mucho mayor que siempre está ahí en el fondo, guiándome. De hecho, puedo confiar. Y realmente puedo escuchar.Recuerdo que el verdadero trabajo siempre está dentro -- en el anclaje en una parte de mí misma que es estable, ya que el mundo que me rodea cambia inevitablemente.- al recordar para recordar: tomarse el tiempo para reducir la velocidad lo suficiente como para escuchar. Para aquietar mis pensamientos. Saber quién soy realmente, más allá de mi mente, mis roles y mi posición.- conocer mi dignidad innata y mi valor innato, porque soy una chispa de Su esplendor, y estoy aquí con un propósito divino que solo tocaré si estoy lo suficientemente presente como para estar realmente en mi vida.Quiero dejar de perderla.Deja de perder mi vida porque estoy tratando de arreglarla, cambiarla o controlarla.Y esa es mi intención para el año.Primero, dejar ir.Y luego veremos qué me pide la vida.Estoy abierta.Enviando todo mi amor.Dhyana
Dhyana Masla nació en una familia de practicantes de Bhakti Yoga, con las prácticas y enseñanzas de Ayurveda entretejidas a la perfección a lo largo de su vida. Al crecer en el centro de retiro de su padre, se capacitó en todas las modalidades de curación que él ofrece y fue testigo de primera mano de la profunda curación que se produce cuando se aplican los principios del Ayurveda en la vida diaria.Recibió su título en Yoga y Psicología en la Universidad de Naropa, y en 2011, junto con su hermana y su padre, fundó YogaVeda; la escuela certificada por Yoga Alliance por unir la filosofía, el estilo de vida y las ciencias del yoga y el ayurveda.Es autora de Ayurveda Mama y consejera de salud y educadora de Ayurveda, especializada en guiar a grupos e individuos en viajes de transformación y sanación. A través de sus entrenamientos de Yoga y Ayurveda, empodera a innumerables personas para que se conviertan en sanadores en sus propios hogares y vivan una vida con verdadero significado.Puedes seguir a Dhyana en ​su sitio web y en Instagram @dhyana.masla

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Welcoming the Cycles of Life

Below is a beautiful and inspiring reflection by Dhayana Masala to ring in the new year.  May it also be an inspiration for setting your own intentions.  All the best, Rukmini Walker

I truly believe that what will ultimately satisfy us is a deeper connection to our Self (+ our Source). I can spend so much time and so much energy trying to fill a void or "become" someone. I can cultivate so many things and make so much money, spending so much time focusing my attention out there, thinking that once it's all a certain way then I can relax; then I'll be successful; then I'll be beautiful, worthy, okay.

I spend so much time trying to fix, change and alter the world outside of me that I forget that if I don't feel worthy, nothing outside of me will make me feel worthy. If I don't feel beautiful, connected, lovable... nothing outside of me will affirm these things. If I don't feel anchored into a part of me that knows how to trust, feel, love and believe - then I am hardly living at all.

If I get stuck in the idea that if I don't do, nothing will happen... I have forgotten that there is a Source much greater than myself that I can be fully and wholly held by - that is orchestrating a life for me beyond my wildest dreams. If I can let go of my need to control and micro-manage my life, I can surrender to a much greater force that is always there in the background, guiding me. I can actually trust. And I can actually listen.

 I remember that the real work is always within -

- in anchoring into a part of myself that is steady, as the world around me inevitably changes.

- in remembering to remember: to take the time to actually slow down enough to listen. To quiet my thoughts. To know who I really am, beyond my mind, my roles and my position.

- to know my innate worthiness and innate value, because I am a spark of His splendor, and here with a divine purpose that I will only touch if I am present enough to actually be in my life.

I want to stop missing it.

Stop missing my life because I'm trying to fix, change or control it.

And that's my intention for the year.

First, letting go.

And then we'll see what life asks of me.

I am open.

Sending all of my love.


Dhyana Masla was born to a family of Bhakti Yoga practitioners, with the practices and teachings of Ayurveda weaved seamlessly throughout her life. Growing up around her father's retreat center, she was trained in all of the healing modalities that he offers, and witnessed, first hand, the profound healing that happens when the principles of Ayurveda are applied in one’s daily life.

She received her degree in Yoga & Psychology at Naropa University, and in 2011, along with her sister and father, founded YogaVeda; the Yoga Alliance certified school for uniting the philosophy, lifestyle, and sciences of Yoga & Ayurveda.

She is the author of Ayurveda Mama and an Ayurveda Health Counselor and educator, specialized in guiding groups and individuals on transformative and healing journeys. Through her Yoga and Ayurveda trainings, she empowers countless individuals to become healers in their own homes and to live a life of real meaning.

You can follow Dhyana on ​her website and on Instagram @dhyana.Masla

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Poetry Poetry

Like Snow

~by Ananda Vrindavan devi dasi--------------------------------------Let our mantrasLand like light snowUpon the ground of our beingSo that all else is silent and coveredExcept the soft sound of the Krishna’s nameAnd our awakening sense of love and serviceLet our thoughtsAll fall in one directionLike the steady fall of snowThat touches the earth it seeksAnd so too let our inner self touchThe sound of life upon which we standAnd let our heartsBe warm and alive withThe fire of real spiritualityThe snow will come and goBut we turn to our journey homeAnd welcome the weather on the way

Ananda Vrindavan is the Temple President of ISKCON of DC
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Reflection Reflection

January Feelings

Rukmini Poddar continues to share with us her series of inspirational monthly pieces, this time with  “January Feelings“. May it be and inspiration for your own reflections this month. 
All the best,
Rukmini Walker


~by Rukmini Poddar

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Interview Interview

The Heart of the Sacred Feminine: An Introduction to Bhakti Yoga & the Goddess

In this video Ashely Elenbaas and Rukmini talk about Bhaiti Yoga and the Goddess!  To watch, please click on this link or on the video image below.
About Ashley ElenbaasAshley is the proprietor of sky house herb school and apothecary. She  teaches people about plants, lead wellness workshops and retreats, and spend copious amounts of time in the garden.


To join Ashley you can find her on the following media platforms.Subscribe to this channel to stay up to date with new videos: up to my mailing list to stay updated on free webinars, virtual garden and herb walks, and other free content: Say hi on social:Facebook:  #SkyHouseHerbs #AshleyElenbaas

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Expanding the Capacity to Hear: Reading a Devotional Text “Outside” the Vaishnava Tradition

In honor of the upcoming Christmas holiday, here is a paper written by a Vaisnava (that is one on the path of bhakti-yoga) scholar on the great early woman mystic of the Christian church, Lady Julian of Norwich. Please click on this link to view the paper.  Dr. Kenneth Valpey (Krishna Ksetra Maharaj) wrote this paper for a seminar held by the Jesuit scholar, Dr. Frank Clooney called, "Christ in light of Hindu Theology".And a very Merry Christmas to all!All the best,Rukmini Walker

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"Escalera de Gratitud"

Mi querida amiga, Sadhana Allen ha compartido conmigo esta "Escalera de Gratitud". Lo encuentro muy útil para evaluar dónde estoy en cualquier momento, ya que busco un agradecimiento apreciativo en cada momento de cada día. ¡Espero que lo encuentres útil también!
Todo lo mejor,
Rukmini Walker
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