Poetry Poetry

Kartik Sonnet #2

As the month of Kartik continues, here is another beautiful Kartik sonnet by Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi.----Of lamps and lights this month is all too goodIt helps an eager traveler on their wayLean in, it calls, to those who think they couldTake shelter with a song and verse to prayThe daring know to practice what we preachOur lives we need to make a better changeTo turn within all that we love to teachAnd gain a sense of Krishna within rangeThis kartik month opens the curtains wideUpon the scene in Vraja’s village trueIt shares a glimpse of what the Lord can’t hideThe power of love and what such love can do    Lean in to hold the chance to listen well    And hear the stories Vrindavan has to tell

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Poetry Poetry

Kartik Sonnet

As Kartika month begins today, October 9th. Here is a beuatiful Kartik sonnet by Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi.

As Kartik comes our hearts are drawn to YouThe autumn moon rises full and deepThis month alone can have us start anewThe lights and songs awaken our deep sleepIt is a month that comes but once a yearIt’s worth a thousand lives for what it givesA chance to banish all unwanted fearA chance to sing no matter where one livesIt is a time when bhakti rasa sweetComes to our hearts in many joyful waysNot least of all the charming butter thiefPulls our thoughts through all His Lila playsAnd so we must to Kartik give our timeLeast we miss this opportunity sublime

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Entering into Kartik

Kartik, also known as the month of Damodara, is a month for deepening one's love for Krishna. This year Kartik begins on October 9, 2022.  It is considered by devotees of Krishna to be the holiest month of the year. During this month, devotees make extra vows, perform extra spiritual activities, and generally worship Krishna in His form as a young boy,Here is a beautiful recording of Gaura Vani and Sri Vani Devi Dasi together singing the Damodarastakam prayers. Every year during the month of Kartik we offer this special 8 verse prayer to Krishna called Damodarastakam. It is sung either in the morning or the evening along with the offering of a ghee lamp.Happy Kartik!All the best,Rukmini   [embed]https://soundcloud.com/iskconofdc/sri-damodarastakam-gaura-vani-and-srivani-devi-dasi[/embed]

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Damodarastakam Prayers

Kartik, also known as the month of Damodara, is a month for deepening one's love for Krishna. This year Kartik begins on October 31, 2020.  It is considered by devotees of Krishna to be the holiest month of the year. During this month, devotees make extra vows, perform extra spiritual activities, and generally worship Krishna in His form as a young boy,Here is a beautiful recording of Gaura Vani and Sri Vani Devi Dasi together singing the Damodarastakam prayers. Every year during the month of Kartik we offer this special 8 verse prayer to Krishna called Damodarastakam. It is sung either in the morning or the evening along with the offering of a ghee lamp.Happy Kartik!All the best,Rukmini

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