An Urban Devi Event with Champaka-lata Sakhi devi dasi
Topic: The Power of Intention, Attention, and Absorption|
Description: Intention gives direction and strength. Attention gives quality in the now and in the future. Absorption liberates the mind and gives an experience of the soul. Join Champakalata to discuss these three keys to spiritual life and one other crucial key that takes us from attention to absorption and heals the different layers of our being.
Bio: Champakalata Sakhi is a bhakti yoga teacher, priest, writer, and community developer. Her bhakti-journey started in 2010 when she began her yoga asana, kirtan, and meditation practice. She completed her Jivamukti Yoga teacher training in 2011 and met her Guru (spiritual teacher), Radhanath Swami. After meeting her teacher, she spent 6 months in India in various ashrams, including 3 months in Vrindavan, the land of Krishna. Since that time she lived in bhakti ashrams for 12 years, seriously practicing and studying bhakti-yoga. During that time, she offered many services including teaching, serving on Bhakti Center NYC's management team as Community Care Director, managing the hospitality department at Bhakti Center, and directing the Sankirtan (Outreach) department at an ashram in DC. This year she published a devotional poetry book entitled "I Chant Your Names: Poems for the Supreme Beloved". She currently lives with her husband, Gopal Krishna, in the East Village and leads community groups, wisdom courses, and retreats at the Bhakti Center. She just recently, with her husband, led her first pilgrimage to India.
Urban Devi is a monthly interactive women’s discussion circle that seeks to make spirituality accessible to women in the 21st century. Each session will focus on a theme based on topics that are of importance to women and will offer insight and practical applications from the practice of Bhakti Yoga.