Women of the Bhagavata
~presented by Rukmini Walker
On August 28, 2020, Princeton University's Hindu Life Program sponsored a wisdom talk with Rukmini Walker. Rukmini has been a student and teacher of the Bhagavata Purana for more than four decades. In this talk, she guides an exploration of the women's voices that emerge from this important text.The Bhāgavata Purāna is considered a masterpiece of Indian philosophy and the definitive treatise on Hinduism's path of devotion. The Bhāgavata Purāna, it is also a text that repeatedly exalts women and presents them as the exemplars of true wisdom. From the poetry of princesses and queens to the heartfelt prayers of simple village maidens to the cries of social misfits and prostitutes... women's voices fill the pages of this sacred text with beauty and power.
To listen to this talk, please click on this link