This I Know
By Ananda Vrindavan devi dasi
When I sit down
with my beads
I hear the message
Speak only what you know
Which was speaking to another
Upcoming part of my day
But also spoke to me in general
And this I know
My japa grounds me
Holds me together
Soothes my mind
Frees my spirt
The mantra touches me
With sweetness
And safety and a feeling
Of home like no other
And the world whirls
And my mind whirls
As time marches on
As life barrels through
Krishna's name speaks to me
This I know while living and breathing
In the often great unknown of what's ahead
In the everyday moments of my life in front of me
And the journey back to where I first belong.
Ananda Vrindavan is one of my dearest friends. In addition to being a beautiful poet, she is the community president of ISKCON of DC. Please visit their website at Her poems regularly appear on our Urban Devi website. -- Rukmini