

To the community of Wisdom Seekerswho convene for the offerings ofThe Deignan Institute for Earth and Spirit,to all our teachers and animators, our students and many participants who have given and received support and insight for creative Earth action during these recent and continuing seasons of challenge for all the living, we offer a prayer and song of blessing for the well-being and flourishing of all.
Grateful to our native forebears who continue to livea way of gratitude and reciprocity with Our Living Mother Earth,we offer this Thanksgiving Prayer inspired by theHaudenosaunee tradition.


We return thanks to our Mother, the Earth,   who sustains us.We return thanks to the rivers and streams,  which supply us with water.We return thanks to all the herbs, which furnish medicines for the cure of our diseases.We return thanks to the wind,  which, moving the air has banished our diseases.We return thanks to the moon and stars, which have given to us their light when the sun was gone.We return thanks to the sun, who has looked upon the Earth with a beneficent eye.Lastly, we return thanks to the Great Spirit, in whom is embodied all goodness,and who directs all things for the good of Its children.----------

Copyright © Deignan Institute for Earth and Spirit 2021Earth and Spirit resides - with gratitude and care - on the ancestral homeland of the Lenape People.Icon of Hopi Corn Maiden by Father John Battista Giulianiused with permissionIcon prints available for purchase at the Icon Shop https://jbgicon.comSong of Thanksgiving by Kathleen Deignan, CND used with permission www.ScholaMinistries.orgAll Schola music available for listening at Amazon, Spotify, Facebook and for purchase at Amazon.Our mailing address

Letting Go


Autumn Sounds