(Recording) Urban Devi Feb Sanga: Befriending our Parts w/Symala Priya Devi Dasi

Please click on link here for the recording.

Mental and emotional care are important branches on the tree of holistic care for our community. In this sanga we will explore and practice strategies to help us attune with our inner parts with the goal of becoming more appreciative and receptive to our position as part and parcel of Krishna. Since Krishna Consciousness is a relational and transformative process, we sometimes need to upgrade and mobilize that process from within. Syamala will share tools inspired by Internal Family Systems, Brainspotting, and EMDR psychotherapy practices. This will be an experiential sanga with time for sharing and reflections in small groups.

Speaker bio: Symala Priya Devi Dasi was introduced to Krishna Consciousness in Washington, DC in 2010 through yoga classes with Hari-kirtana das. She continued to take workshops and courses with Hari-kirtana on yoga philosophy from a Vaisnava perspective, which helped Symala deepen her understanding gradually and organically. She feels fortunate to be part of the Institute for Applied Spirituality (IFAST) and ISKCON of DC communities.

By profession, Symala is a licensed psychotherapist with a holistic approach to mental health care. She is passionate about empowering people of all ages to mindfully engage in a process of self-discovery and transformation. The name of her private practice was inspired by her spiritual teacher, Radhanath Swami (InnerFoundationsCounseling.com). 

Symala Priya likes to assist in organizing a variety of community events that help people connect with each other, as well as enrich their relationship with devotional service. She serves as a local representative for the Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention Initiative and Vaishnavi Ministry of North America.


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