Lord Nityananda Appearance Day!
Those who are followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be honoring the holy Appearance Day of His dear most associate, Lord Nityananda on Monday, February 14th.Anyone who seeks the shelter of Lord Caitanya is advised to pray for the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When Lord Krsna appears, Lord Nityananda appears as His brother, Lord Balaram; when Lord Rama appears, Lord Nityananda appears as His brother Laksman.Lord Nityananda is considered the original guru, in that all gurus are expanded from him.Here, Andrea Suarez has told an enchanting version of the story of Lord Nityananda's deliverance of the fallen brothers, Jagai and Madhai for children both in English and then in Spanish. To watch, please click here: https://youtu.be/LtNUM6VMV3s; to watch in Spanish, please click here https://youtu.be/rI66AAMMhWUI pray that you and your children may all receive the unlimited blessings of Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya!All the best,Rukmini Walker