Mantra: Sound into Silence

Friday March 17 in NYC! My son, Gaura Vani, will be leading a kirtan after the screening of the new movie Mantra: Sounds into Silence at the Rubin Museum. Click here for tickets.Dear Kirtan Family,The practice of kirtan has touched us deeply. It has brought us great personal transformation, giving us a sense of peace and freedom, and has helped us develop a global community of loving bhaktas who share in the joy in “chanting the names”.We are very excited to be in partnership with the new feature-length documentaryMantra - Sounds into Silence. (Trailer: film will have its world debut in New York City on March 16th at the prestigious Rubin Museum of Art.Here is the part where you come in :)We are asking that you volunteer to host a screening of this film!The screenings of this film will be extremely unique. With the help of Gathr Films (the Theatrical-On-Demand® distributor) we are not simply showing a film, but creating an evening to remember. This distribution technique provides us with an option to arrange an extended event within the screening itself. The goal of the Call and Response Foundation, Georgia Wyss (the film’s director) and Gathr, is to have a 25 minute live kirtan at the end of each showing.As leaders of your kirtan community we are asking you to join us in sharing this movie across the world, starting with the people you know best: your community. What this entails, is that you register to be a “movie caption” with the Gather Theatrical-On-Demand® platform network and help bring a film/live kirtan event to your community. The process is simple.Step 1. Go to to get started or visit Check yes on the question “I would like more time for discussion or Q&A” (aka the live kirtan following the showing) in the setup process. Please also select you would like this film “I am using this screening as a fundraiser” as we are looking to use this as a fundraiser for the Call and Response Foundation.3. Talk to your local kirtan leaders. Ask if they would lead a short 20 minute simple chanting set after the movie. Emphasize this this is not a paid gig but an educational opportunity or feel free to lead it yourself :)4. Confirm with the theater that this works for them (confirm a mic) or make your life easier and bring a portable PA system5. Contact us at Call and Response (Jen @ or Scott if you are stuck anywhere in this process or have questions.The way the Gathr Theatrical-On-Demand® system works, is that when you register for a showing, they will tell you how many tickets are needed to be sold to have the screening confirmed (example 30 tickets). The number of tickets needed to be sold (ex. 30 tickets) to have a showing and the ticket price can vary from theater to theater. If you have a choice our recommendations would be with a Regal theater as they allow box office sales after the screen is confirmed.Once you do that, all of us – you, the filmmakers, the existing GATHR Films network, the artists, ALL our combined networks - will promote the screening together through our social channels. You'll be surprised how quickly your screening seats fill up. You will also receive 2 comp tickets for every confirmed screening you host.Let us know when and where you booked your screening, so we can start to direct our resources to it. If you are in our community kirtan program we’d like to collaborate to make this your annual fundraiser!Thank you so much for your help! We can wait to hear from you as to how the process and showing turnout! (and don’t forget we are always here to help if you run into a problem!)Love always,Call and Response FoundationJen CanfieldScott Whitmore


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