Lost in Stories

I'm very happy to introduce the readers of Urban Devi to the poetry of one of my dearest friends, Ananda Vrindavan. In addition to being a beautiful poet, she is the community president of ISKCON of DC.  Please visit their website at iskconofdc.org   Please watch for her poems to be regularly appearing on our Urban Devi website. -- Rukmini

Lost in Stories

By Ananda Vrindavan

We are deeply imbedded in this world

In story after story after story

Some ours, some others, some we

Shouldn’t even care about, but we do.

Some we were a lifetime searching for

And when we put the pieces together

It turned out to be a story we didn’t want to know

But now do, and have to work it in and out of our lives.

Where there is life, there is story

And where there is life around God there is more story.

But we are afraid of that

We can be people of story but not Him

We can laugh and sing and dance and cry

But who wants God to be an ordinary man of stories?

It’s too close to the bone.

But listen -  His story is like the incredible night sky that

Wraps it’s glorious starry blanket around the earth

And those asleep upon it. His story contains us all

But we don’t want our part.

We are busy in the small screens of our own lives, lost in our own story.





Deepening my Relationship with The Goddess