Listen Well
-by Ananda Vrindavan Devi Dasi
Listening is at the heart of bhakti
At the heart of life. It’s the last
To go, did you know?
And here’s what I have found
In my new way of being
That life has become alive again
And new meaning arrived for
Service and humility
Words I did with practice
Wanting to be there
Looking for peace in those
Words alone, and not who’s behind them.
Which is, the other,
the other person,
The one who is making the noise
Telling their story by their life
Interacting with mine
And the Big Other who
Is so expertly and naturally
Everywhere but not in your face
If you don’t want it.
Suddenly, listening for me has
Freed me from myself.
I want to run to the top of the
Mountain and shout with arms up
“It’s not about me!”
And not because that’s how I’m ‘meant’
To feel, but because that’s how I feel.