Documentary Documentary

Human Rights and UN SDG

In honor of International Woman's Day, here is a video that was written and created by a young woman named Sana Mittar. She lives in Delhi, India, where her loving family so kindly hosted me last February. This past year, Sana was the valedictorian of her high school graduating class at the Springdales School, in New Delhi.

In university, Sana hopes to study the field of international development, and work in that field one day, developing solutions to the United Nations Millennial Sustainable Development Goals. Sana is a point of light in our world today. May her dreams bless the future of everyone they touch!To watch the video, please click here or on the image below.

Happy International Woman's Day!

All the best,Rukmini Walker   


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Documentary Documentary

The Stolen River

My dear friend and sister, Krishna-lila (Dr. Krisztina Danka), is an activist working to bring the world's attention to the plight of the Yamuna River in India. Her film continues to win important international awards as more and more conscious people become aware of how India has turned a blind eye to this dire situation. Please support this important cause in whatever ways you can. Click here or below to  watch the trailer of this powerful film at:
All the best,
Rukmini Walker
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Documentary Documentary

73 Cows

73 Cows is an award winning documentary about a British livestock farmer gone vegan and the difficult transition he went through to get there. It is very powerful, honest and inspiring. I hope you enjoy it. All the best,Rukmini Click here to watch :

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