Capital Kirtan

Dear Friends,Here in DC over the past weekend, our Potomac temple hosted Capital Kirtan, a two-day kirtan festival. It was organized by the youth, and the kirtans were led by youth (starting at around age nine).The intention was to have more chanting and less talk. Still, Ananda, our community president, asked me to speak for about fifteen minutes. I guess, if it can't be said in fifteen minutes, then it can't be said. I spoke on Kirtan Revolution. Here is a link to the talk.We're all so happy to be welcoming Jahnavi Harrison back to the US after a long six years. Here is a poem she wrote called:Ode to the Holy NameWhisper it beneath the summer oakswhile swallows dive aboveShout it in your morning shower,share it with the ones you love.Sing it loud, groups of ten,three or seventy-five,brand it on your beating chest andkeep your heart alive.In the garden, on the bus,before exams and interviews,at joyous birth and bitter death,sing this name, loud and true.Call it when your days are long,breath it in and out with heavy head,cry it over your morning tea,and into your pillow before bed.Wash this name through every fiber,rinse and repeat, rinse and repeatsing with everything you have,soft, sweet, subtle, deep.All the best,Rukmini Walker


Thomas Merton's Appreciation of Bhagavad Gita

