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Trusting the Divine Hand that Guide Us

An Urban Devi event with Gopi Mata Devi Dasi

It is difficult to see how one step leads to another in our spiritual journey unless we broaden our perspective. In the process of self-realization, baby steps are huge.

We’ll be looking at ways to sharpen observation of our progress and techniques for self-acceptance and instant renewal of our deep intention. When we acknowledge where we’re at right now, we can also become a greater asset to others.

Bio: Gopi Mata Devi Dasi (Gopi Sandal) grew up in the midwestern US. In 1977, she traveled to London, where she met her Guru, Srila Prabhupada.

She stayed for 10 years in the ashram there and later married and moved back to the U.S., where she and her husband raised 3 sons.

Gopi has been teaching Yoga for over 30 years in Kansas and created the "Yoga with Heart" teacher training school. She lives on a 40-acre farm called Bhaktivana, which is an intentional spiritual community. Along with her friends and family there, she hosts regular programs to celebrate Krsna Consciousness with Kirtan, Prasadam, and Bhakti philosophy. Gopi offers free online classes on Bhagavad ita, Srimad Bhagavatam, and other Bhakti philosophy studies. If you are interested in joining any of her classes, please contact Gopi at"

Please click the below button to register for a Zoom link to this free online session. We hope to see you there!

Urban Devi is a monthly interactive women’s discussion circle that seeks to make spirituality accessible to women in the 21st century. Each session will focus on a theme based on topics that are of importance to women and will offer insight and practical applications from the practice of Bhakti Yoga.

May 19

Finding Strength in Difficult Relationships

July 21

Open-Hearted Curiosity vs Heart-Blocking Assumptions