Understanding and Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles in Our Devotional Lives

On June 20th, hosted by the Bhakti Center in New York City, Dinatarini Devi Dasi joined the Urban Devi Ladies Sanga as a special guest.  Dinatarini shared how we can understand and overcome the challenges and obstacles in our devotional lives by seeing the Grace of the Absolute therein.
Through the mercy of the Lord, our spiritual masters, those on the path of bhakti, and in forming close friendships with like-minded souls, we can utilize such challenges to effect positive growth in our spiritual lives.

To listen to a recording of this special class, Please click on this link or on the image below.

Dinatarini devi dasi was born in Washington DC and grew up in South Florida. In 1970 she met devotees of the Hare Krishna movement at a rock festival and received a Bhagavad-gita from them. This seemingly chance meeting changed the trajectory of her life. She joined the temple in Tallahassee, Florida later that year and was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1972 in Dallas, Texas. Over the years she has served the mission in India, the UK and North America in a wide variety of capacities. In 1974 she met her devotee companion, Yamuna devi, and they served together for the next 37 years until her passing in 2011. Dinatarini devi is the author of “Yamuna Devi—A Life of Unalloyed Devotion,” and the soon to be released “Yamuna Devi—The Study of Seva Puja.”



Seva Means to Establish a Relationship


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Class by HG Rukmini Devi @ IFAST DC