Troubleshooting relationships

~a special talk with Uttama devi dasi

This month's Urban Devi sanga featured special guest, Uttama devi dasi discussing how to troubleshoot relationships.  Good relationships are essential for our mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Navigating conflict is inevitable.  Utamma talks about how we can learn to do it respectfully.To listen to this inspiring talk, please click here or on the image below:[embed][/embed]Uttama devi dasi is a member of the Grihastha Vision Team. She and her husband of 49 years, were initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1973. They both serve as marriage mentors and relationship trainers. They travel extensively facilitating seminars on relationship dynamics. While at home they help new couples via video conferencing, using a systematic premarital education program. They also train other mature happily married couples to do the same. They live in Saranagati Dhama, Canada, and have 3 children and 6 fun grandchildren  


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