The Price of a Ticket Back Home: Meditations Part One

The month of Kartik which is dedicated to Srimati Radharani begins on Monday, Oct. 14th. Here are some priceless meditations to inspire you for the month of Kartik from my dear friend and sister Srimati who lives in Sri Vrndavan Dham. ~ Rukmini Walker

The mega-merciful month of Karttika is fast approaching each and every one of us. Are we ready for it? Some of us may be – especially if we are painfully aware of our crucial need for a heavy dose of causeless mercy – and we know something of Karttika’s boundless grace and potency. In that case, we may well be already planning our Karttika “mercy-begging” schedule to attract the blessings of Sri Krishna:
  •  No sweets for the whole month
  •  25 rounds every day for the month
  •  No criticism for the month

So many ideas and plans may come to mind....And, of course, we can’t afford to forget the 16th villasa of Hari-bhakti-vilasa which deals exclusively and extensively with Karttika and Karttika-vrata.

~Inspiration for a Successful Karttika~

[perfectpullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="" class="" size=""]  "I surrender myself at the lotus feet of Their Lordships, Sri Sri Radha - Damodara. Sri Damodara is the predominating Lord of the month of Karttika. By His influence, the month of Karttika has become glorious."  -- Excerpt from the Sri Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa of Srila Sanatana Gosvamī; HBV 16.1 [/perfectpullquote]


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