Taking Refuge

Krishnanandini is a dear god-sister who is in Vrndavan receiving Ayurvedic treatment for advanced cancer, and I was fortunate to visit with her.  Below, Mother Krishnanandini shares a beautiful meditation.  Please keep her in your prayers!  ~All the best, Rukmini Walker

~by Krsnanandini devi dasi

Hare Krsna!

Dear friends, some folks have inquired if I am experiencing pain while undergoing this rather intense healing treatment. And the answer is yes. Increasingly, I am feeling pains in the back, legs, side(waists) and head. I have been assured by the Vaidaji and people who have completed the treatment that these pains are actually signs that the treatment is working. In other words, "No pain, no gain." The Vaidaji (Ayur Vedic doctor) also says that if the pains become too unbearable, I should take some pain relief pills.

There are two other kinds of pain I am feeling for which I cannot find relief through pills or medicine. One is to witness and hear of the suffering of so many people and animals in our world, much of of it brought on by the foolishness, greed and selfishness of others. To hear of the senseless escalation of wars and rumors of wars where lives will be unnecessarily lost. The other is the pain of separation from loved ones.What gives me hope is that our sweet Lord Krsna is aware of all my pains and in Him I have taken refuge. He is the deliverer from the distress, the friend of each of us and He hears the cries of HIs servants.

Krishnanandini devi dasi was brought to Krsna consciousness by her mother as a young teenager along with her other siblings. Her mother was a simple woman and a devout Christian who deeply resonated with the Bhakti perspectives given by Srila Prabhupada in his writings. But when she came to the local temple along with her children, ready to join the community there, she faced bigotry and racism. She was treated as a troublemaker and was turned away.She took her children and put them in the car. She didn't know where to turn, but somehow by the grace of God she was given the intuition to drive all the way to Dallas, Texas. When they arrived there, to their surprise, Srila Prabhupada himself was there visiting. She explained her situation to the temple president there, that she and her children were not welcome at the temple in their hometown of Cleveland. Srila Prabhupada out of his great compassion, that very day gave initiation to her and her children as well. I've always called Krishnanandini's Mom the 'Rosa Parks of ISKCON'.


Krsna Becomes the Servant of His Devotee


The Blind and the Lame