Lecture Lecture

Urban Devi Class: Listening to Learn

~presented by Vrindavan Vinodini Devi Dasi

This August's Urban Devi Class featured Vrindavan Vinodini Devi Dasi speaking on the topic "Listening to Learn". Drawing from bhakti wisdom and secular knowledge and research, you will learn the simple and practical application of seven key principles to help you grow, improve and establish healthy loving relationships. Please click here or on the video image below to listen to the talk.Vrndavana Vinodini grew up in both the Montreal and Ottawa ISKCON Communities. At 23, after finishing her Bachelors in Biochemistry, she travelled to Belgium to complete Bhakti sastri in Radhadesh. Although having grown up in the tradition of Bhakti, the trip was life-transforming as it was here she chose the Bhakti path for herself. Coming back to Canada, she completed her Masters in Biochemistry, after which she went to Mayapur to study deity worship. Upon returning, she served for several years as a scientific regulator and advocate for natural health products. In 2016, she received her coaching certification and started learning about a powerful personality framework known as the Enneagram. Today, she works as a coach who helps others develop a better relationship with themselves and build a rich inner life by becoming aware of the patterns of the ego. Alongside coaching, she teaches the Gita in yoga studios, small groups, as well as meditation classes[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FettkzwXgc[/embed]

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