From Seeds to Flowers and Fruits: Progressive Stages of Loving Devotion
~by Rukmini Walker
To begin to advance on the path of Bhakti is compared to a tiny seed of faith (sraddha) that sprouts into a creeper that grows up and winds around the Tree of Life, which in many of the world's traditions is identified with God. The process of hearing and chanting the holy name of Krsna is considered to be the daily watering process of this little creeper.The tiny seed of faith inspires one to seek to hear from persons who are elevated on the spiritual path (sadhu sanga). In the next stage, one takes shelter of a particular spiritual teacher, and accepts instruction in the process of devotional service (bhajana-kriya).By serving under such guidance, one gradually becomes freed from material attachment (anartha-nivritti), attains steadiness in self-realization (nistha), and acquires a taste for hearing about the Absolute Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna (ruci).
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This taste leads one forward to attachment for Krsna consciousness (asakti), which is matured in bhava, or the beginning stage of love of God. Real love of God is called prema, the highest perfected stage of life.At this stage, the creeper blooms with delicious fruits and fragrant flowers of rasa, or relationship with Krsna, in peace, service, friendship, maternal love or finally, in conjugal, or romantic love.Let us begin to cultivate this sacred creeper of devotion in our hearts!All the best,Rukmini Walker