Damodarastakam prayers
Click below to listen to a beautiful recording of Gaura Vani and Sri Vani Devi Dasi together singing the Damodarastakam prayers. Every year for one month we offer a special 8 verse prayer to Krishna called Damodarastakam. It is sung either in the morning or the evening along with the offering of a ghee lamp.This year, the month of Damodar ends on November 11 and the last five days from November 7 until the 11th are called Bhisma Pancaka and they are the most important of all. I hope you enjoy the recording.All the best,Rukmini [embed]https://soundcloud.com/iskconofdc/sri-damodarastakam-gaura-vani-and-srivani-devi-dasi[/embed]