An Introduction to Gratitude

"In order for the seed to grow, it has to have soft and fertile ground.  Gratitude makes our heart soft. Gratitude fertilizes our heart. Gratitude enables the seed of Bhakti to grow. When we expect, when we think we deserve, when we want something very different than what we are getting, from Krishna, that is the symptom of being ungrateful." -- Radhanath Swami


~presented by Syamala Priya Devi Dasi

Gratitude is an essential human quality that links us to better mental health, self-awareness, better relationships and a sense of inner fulfillment.  When we direct our minds toward what we are most grateful for, real inner happiness emerges.

To join Syamala in this beautiful meditation, please click here or on the video image below.

Syamala Priya dd (Sara Sheikh) is a clinical social worker and yoga teacher.  She specializes in mental health and yoga-based psychotherapy for children, adolescents and families.  Her most recent project is in collaboration with Y.O.G.A. for Youth and Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), as a mindfulness educator.  As the most populous county in Maryland, MCPS has adopted a research based mindfulness curriculum.  Syamala gains personal and professional inspiration from her many teachers from the Krishna Bhakti tradition who embody a life of wisdom and compassion.


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